Selasa, 30 Juni 2015
The Chotki in Slavonic Folklore
In Slavonic and Orthodox culture Chotkis (or Prayer Rope) as an important religious accessory, have always been a bit less popular than the crucifix worn on the neck. Actually in the Orthodox tradition Prayer Rope are rarely worn or paraded otherwise, but they are used a lot during the solitary praying times. Freshly-converted Slavonic monks and priests had been given Chotkis by their spiritual mentors as the "sword of faith" for in Orthodox Christianity (and other flavours of Christianity and even other religions as well) they were thought to be a spiritual weapon capable of guarding off and fighting evil spirits.
Laymen in the Eastern Slavonic countries also used Chotkis to make the forces of darkness flee. The common belief had it that if your prayer rope had been placed on the belly of a woman in labour then the baby would be safe from jinx. Wearing or having Chotki with you was commonly considered a way to protect yourself from undead such as ghouls and vampires.
Similar superstitions leaked from the Slavonic folklore into the Western world Romantic and so-called Gothic novels. The vampires that are so well scared away by the very sight of a rosary had been known in the Eastern Europe under the name of "upyri" - "those sucking lifeblood, ghouls". Those "upyri" were soulless dead bodies of the villains or debauched maids buried outside the holy ground of the cemetery for their evil deeds without a cross over the grave and without a crucifix or a rosary with them.
Slavonic Lestovka Chotki (a praying bead of moderate size made of wood and leather, overall quite reminiscent of a staircase hence the name that can be translated as "stairs") in the Orthodox Church folklore and fables always symbolized the cross between an upwards ways leading to the holiness and pure living (speak of "Stairway To Heaven"!) of a person using them for prayers and the "Alatyr" - the centre of space and the Universe. The flat wooden beads are the steps of such staircase and the two large ornamental leather triangles symbolize the centre point of all the earthly living. The Alatyr-stone was believed to be able to cure any kind of illness so through this ancient pre-Christian belief later transferred into Christianity the power of healing as sometimes attributed to the Alatyr-like Chotkis.
This traditional folklore is still popular today, people from Slavonic cultures heard these stories from their grandparents and in turn told them to their children. Their children will in turn tell it to theirs, and so the folklore luckily stays alive. Wonderful isn't it?
Maximilian Miatus is a repentant who's passions are hiking, traveling, visiting orthodox monastery's, orthodox religion and world history.
For authentic Chrisitan Orthodox Prayer Rope visit:
-The Chotki Store or the Prayer Rope Store
God Bless
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Folklore Review - A Magical Adventure
Folklore is a PlayStation 3 exclusive video game that will probably get lost due to the Orange Box madness, but I will try to shed some light on the game. The game is developed by Sony and published by Game Republic. Judging by the title of the game, it is fairly obvious that Folklore is a role playing game. The storyline in the game transpires in Doolin, and Doolin is a village in Ireland. Mysticism and the supernatural beings are a few of many things that haunt this village. There are two protagonists in the game named Ellen and Keats. They are immersed in an eccentric environment that is imbued with spirits and "ghosts."
Both of the playable characters in the game have separate objectives. Ellen goes to Doolin in search of her mother because she has supposedly sent a letter to Ellen (sounds eerily similar to the dead wife letter that was sent to Harry from Silent Hill 2). On the other end of the spectrum, Keats is a journalist who travels to Doolin to learn about the strange occurrences that are taking place. I found the plot to be enjoyable, but the game has a storyline that can take some time to develop. The gameplay in the game has two different settings.
A location known as The Netherworld is where the combat occurs, and the normal world is where gamers will be achieving typical role playing game tasks. When gamers are in the normal world, they will be collecting items and having conversations with various people. The normal world provides a nice change of pace from the combat. Each character's gameplay is broken down into chapters. To eliminate confusion, it is best to complete one chapter with one character and go replay that chapter again with the other character. For instance, finishing Keats' chapter first and replaying the same chapter with Ellen. I felt like the game progressed in a much more cohesive manner when I took this approach. You can mix and match chapters by playing multiple chapters from Ellen's perspective, but doing this would make the plot completely garbled. The gameplay predominately consists of acquiring souls. All of the adversaries have souls that can be absorbed and used for later use. Since each soul you gain varies, the abilities you gain is also different.
For example, one soul can perform an ice elemental damage and another can utilize electricity. Once you take in a soul, you can map if to the four face buttons on the PlayStation 3 controller. Not all souls are proficient in eradicating every foes; furthermore, you cannot expect to beat the entire game with only one sul. There are strengths and weaknesses for each opponent in the game. This makes the game somewhat balanced, but gratuitously time consuming. Personally, I found the guess and check system of finding the correct soul to kill opponents to be rather convoluted. The method needed to capture a soul is unique on its own right. This is where the six axis controller is at its best. The six axis controller is amazing for getting a soul under control, and the controls itself are intuitive. The game developers of the disaster known as Lair should meticulously take notes from the game developers that worked on Folklore. Do you hear me Lair game creators? You guys can learn so much about the six axis controller from the team that worked on Folklore. If anyone who worked on Lair is reading this, then he or she needs to give the game designers of Folklore a phone call and have a long chat about how to make the six axis controller responsive. Look at me going off on one of my tangents again. Alright, back to the review of Folklore. The frame rates appears to be smooth, but I had a problem with the prolonged load times.
Regrettably, the audio in the game is utterly ridiculous. A majority of the dialogue is shown via a comic book style. If this comic book style of story telling is tastefully done, then it works to perfection (ala Max Payne and Max Payne 2). The most egregious aspect of the dialogue is that there is absolutely no voice acting during these absurd comic book style segments. I thought the lack of voice acting was an enormous blunder in the game. There should always be voice acting in a next generation console video game (especially considering the fact that this is a PlayStation 3 video game). During the major cut scenes, there is voice acting.
Unfortunately, the voice acting is horribly done. Folklore pales in comparison in the voice acting department to other exquisite video games such as Heavenly Sword, Halo 3, God of War, and God of War 2. What the hell Sony? How could the audio in Folklore be this poorly executed? The only saving grace with the audio is the music and sound effects. Luckily, the visuals in the game are incredible. Everything that is seen in Folklore makes it seem like a fantasy. The vibrant colors looks like an extravagant piece of artwork. Environments, flora, and fauna are well designed. Folklore will take gamers approximately nineteen hours from beginning to end. Overall, Folklore is a solid role playing game. It is not as brilliant as Oblivion on the PlayStation 3, but Folklore has just enough to give gamers a reason to play.
final verdict 8 out of 10
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Br'er Rabbit In African American Folklore
In African American Folklore Br'er Rabbit is one of the more well known characters. Some were introduced to him in the Uncle Remus stories. His character in folklore is known as the trickster. They can take on the form of a god,goddess, or an animal. Usually they will play a trick or disobey normal rules and norms of behavior. Cunning and wit is one of their trademarks.
Southern Beginnings
The stories of Br'er Rabbit were known to slaves in the US. Later a journalist from Georgia named James Chandler Harris collected these stories told from the oral tradition and put them in book form. He used the dialect spoken at the time. This was post Civil War when it was printed. And the stories told idealized a time that was gone but still yearned for by white southerners. His book has become a part of African American Folklore. To this day his retelling of the stories still bring up lively debate depending on how one looks at it.
African Connection
Anansi is the name of a trickster whose stories are told in West Africa. There he took on the form of a spider and there are many stories of him playing tricks on others. Those stories are thought to originate with the Ashanti tribe in Ghana.
Native American Origins
Rabbit/Hare myths were long known to Native Americans in North America and parts of Canada. Primarily the Algonquin tribe with the Great Hare story. Apparently most of the rabbit stories come from Cherokee folklore. No doubt Cherokee Indians and African slaves came into contact. In many cases intermarried. One can see how the Rabbit folklore stories would morph into Br'er rabbit.
What The Slaves Did with Br'er Rabbit
While Br'er Rabbit played the trickster in African American Folklore he also meant other things. In a sense he represented slaves who used wit to overcome obstacles and adversaries (white slave owners). Not always successful but he was a folk hero.
Abbott Lewis reads and write on various subjects. Go to his site learn more about African American Folktales [].
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Salamandra, Mountain Leather and Rock Floss - The Folklore of Asbestos
Asbestos has been considered a valuable utility for its fire resistant properties for over 3,000 years. This value was not soon diminished, in spite of the fact that the adverse effects were evident almost instantly after its discovery. It was only as recently as the dawn of 20th century that there's been any sort of consensus on what the fibrous stone material actually is. While we know asbestos today to be the lifeblood of a slew of specialized attorneys, it used to be a major point of speculation among mystics, naturalists, slaves and kings alike. It would ultimately take hundreds of years to learn what asbestos really was, but in interim we were determined to understand it. This is what folklore is for.
Salamanders are a seemingly unlikely place to start, but they're actually integral to the folklore of asbestos. Some quick research reveals that the word "Salamander" is derived from persian meaning "fire within". This may not seem to have much relevance until you understand that salamanders were thought to be "fire elementals," meaning that they require only fire for sustenance. It doesn't stop there though, salamanders actually may have been one of antiquity's most wildly misunderstood creatures. They were regarded as miraculous, dangerous creatures who were born from blistering bonfires and who could lay entire armies to waste with their poison. When it was discovered that one could weave a cloth from asbestos that couldn't be destroyed by a hot fire, the fibers were thought to be the fur of a salamander. Of course, even if salamanders did have fur, it'd be safe to bet that no one knew what it looked like. This myth remained extremely popular until Marco Polo put an end to it after having visited a chinese asbestos mine and deducing that it was actually a stone that was dug out of the earth.
Grifters and Pranksters
Many myths surrounding asbestos aren't so much about asbestos itself, but rather the way people used it. There was a lot of wiggle room back in ancient times when it came to utilizing a fabric that wouldn't burn in a fire. One famous group of pranksters, aptly called "The Human Salamanders", was particularly famous for using fire-proof asbestos based clothing to do crazy things such as roast handheld steaks whilst standing inside of an open flame. Others had more nefarious intentions, selling fireproof robes allegedly having belonged to christ was especially common in the dark ages. Asbestos, it's origins, mythology and potential uses eventually came to be known in so many ways, across so many cultures that it was soon interpreted as several different substances altogether with names such as Salamandra, Mountain Leather and Rock Floss.
The Disease of Slaves
This last bit of folklore, unfortunately, turned out to be completely accurate in hindsight. It was considered a myth, but word in ancient greece was that the slaves that had worked in the asbestos mines weren't worth buying due to their short life expectancy and their tendency to develop pulmonary based illnesses. Initially, before it was known for it's unique properties, asbestos was worn almost exclusively by slaves. However, it was soon used specifically for royalty. Asbestos came to be weaved into napkins, tablecloths and used to make wicks for candles. The effect on the slaves and workers who had no choice but weave the fabric was widely observed. What was in all likelihood Mesothelioma was then called "the disease of slaves". It could be said that a precedence was set for asbestos exposure being considered a poor man's problem as early as ancient Rome.
Turns out there wasn't much left to be clarified about asbestos after the salamander fur myth was debunked. Ultimately it's defining characteristics stood out right from the beginning. It can't be burnt in a fire and it will kill you. Hindsight is twenty-twenty and yet, asbestos still seems otherworldly hellish. But this is and always has been the primary role of folklore, to transform and diminish the things that terrify us. Maybe one day as a society we can eventually avoid these things altogether and leave the salamander fur in the ground where it belongs.
Thanks for reading! With regard to asbestos this is about as interesting as it gets. But I wanted to write it in order to draw attention to the fact that we've always known about the negative health effects and yet we continue to produce products with asbestos in them across several countries. Most are shocked to realize that this same deadly material is still not fully banned in the US and is fully legal in Canada.
Check out some of the other related stuff I've been writing lately here:
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Senin, 29 Juni 2015
5 Steps to Internet Safety For Kids
While the Internet has certainly brought a wealth of information, convenience and has a made the world a much smaller place, the Internet has its liabilities and especially so for children, teens and all minors. The responsibility of protecting children from online dangers lies with parents. There are several steps you can take to provide Internet safety for kids.
One solution, which some parents choose, is to completely restrict their children from using the Internet. This solution while keeping your children safe is not always the best option. One, the Internet is here to stay, it is an important part of everyday life, and its use is a skill that is often required by schools and in the work place. Also, if you just tell your kids that they cannot have or use the Internet then you eliminate the opportunity to teach them how to use it safely. So, if they do use it when they are away from you, (which believe me does happen, even with the best of kids) at a friends house or school then they will not have the tools they need to stay safe. Having talks and discussions with children about the risks is very important, and as a parent you should set certain limits and keep the conversation open in regards to Internet safety.
The following are 5 hands-on steps you can take to teach, limit and restrict children while they are online and therefore provide Internet safety for your kids.
5 Steps to Internet Safety for Kids:
1. Have a conversation with your kids. Explain to them, in as much detail as their age will allow some of the dangers that exist online. For example, that strangers in chat rooms, are just that, strangers. That they should never agree to meet anyone, give out their phone numbers, personal information like address etc. The same conversation that you had with them about not talking to strangers applies even more so when online, so use that and extend it further. Remember that most of these steps will only apply to computers you have at home. When your children are away from you they will have access to other computers and that is when those conversations will be the guidance that ensures their safety.
2. There is software available, which can help to protect your children from any content that is not appropriate for them. Software like, Microsoft Windows Vista Parental Controls, helps parents to manage, monitor and administer the use of the computer by children. The software, Windows Live OneCare Family Safety, filters certain chosen information and even a child's searches can be blocked by filtering certain keywords.
3. All web browsers allow for parental control settings. You can make personalized adjustments from the browser to set limits that you desire and to insure your child's safety.
4. You can increase children's safety by creating Limited User Accounts for your children from your Administrative Account. This restricts children from changing system settings, installing any new software which includes chat programs, games, etc. You can see the help section of your Operating System for detailed instructions on how to create User Accounts. This is a simple process and the instructions are step by step.
5. Be active and be a snoop. Yes a snoop, keep track of the websites that your kids are surfing. You can view all websites that they visited in the History List or Cookies from the web browser. You can even see the email addresses, correspondence and downloaded files. If you see something inappropriate or dangerous take the necessary parental actions. Sometimes we want to be our children's friend but we have to always be parents first.
Always remember that these are concrete steps that will provide Internet safety for your kids and protect them while they are online and still allow them to get the benefits of using and learning to use the Internet.
JR Lang is a computer applications specialist and a parent, if you would like to read more about computers, and to browse all laptops and accessories at very cheap prices please visit her website: Used Cheap Laptops and Cheap Laptop Computers.
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What Is the Best Martial Art for Kids?
Martial arts is a very helpful addition to a healthy lifestyle. The mental and physical training necessary to be successful in any martial art will give students helpful skills they can apply to a number of other facets of their lives. With so many martial arts schools in even the smallest cities it may be a overwhelming task for parents to evaluate them and figure out what is the best martial art for their kids. Although there's no single martial art that is best suited specifically to all kids there are some which are more suitable than others. Some styles may focus more on the physical tournaments and preparing for them, while others may have an increased emphasis on character and self esteem developing. Furthermore two schools that provide the same style will teach that style distinctly, setting greater emphasis on different aspects of the style, for example mastering the formal movement patterns vs a focus on the sparring aspects. In this short article we hope to help you with some information regarding the best martial art for kids.
Firstly you being a parent have to be sure you understand the reason you are searching for a martial art for your kids. There are a number of skills to be acquired through martial arts, such as self-defence, fitness improvements, teaching self-confidence, or training to compete in competitive events.
While most if not all martial arts are in some ways acceptable for kids, the same can't be said for all schools or coaches. That is the reason why the initial step when choosing a martial art for your kids should be to determine which of the martial arts styles offered in your area are most suited for your kids, and then assess the schools within driving distance, the instructors in those schools and then the type of training they provide to both students and to instructors.
Begin by exploring several of the schools found in your community to determine what their primary styles are. The World Wide Web is an excellent resource for this as you can get a quick summary of the tenets, history and styles involved with each individual martial art. Consider not only your goals for your kids, more self-confidence or building physical strength for instance, but also the skills of your child when deciding which martial arts may be best suited for them. Judo and mixed martial arts both have some focus on grappling, which is locking or pinning opponents down. So these may not be the best martial arts for kids which are claustrophobic. On the other hand these styles will probably be great at helping your child build their physical strength and stamina.
Once you've a list of styles that could be right for your kids, start calling the schools in your neighborhood that instruct those styles. The research should match up with the details that the school supplies. For example, Taekwondo has only two recognized branches, the Kukkiwon/World Taekwondo Federation branch and the International Taekwon-Do Federation branch. If a Taekwondo school can't verify that they are associated with one of these organizations then their training, and the belts they grant to students, may not be valid or authentic. Inquire if they have programs created specifically for children, or if the children are grouped into a general class. If your kids are intimidated when in a group of older kids, teens or adults then perhaps a general class may not be best suited for them. Find out how many students and instructors are in each class, as a high student to teacher ratio will reduce the amount of time your kids will have with the instructor for one on one training. Ask if the instructors have certifications in first-aid or child education. Find out if the schools have formal training classes for their coaches, to train them the way to teach. Keep in mind that being a champion at a sport doesn't mean that a person can teach well; consider the number of great hockey and football players have experienced stunningly poor coaching careers. Find out how much experience the master or senior teacher has with kids. Get an idea of what ongoing costs should be to go to the school, which includes items such as promotion testing fees, uniforms, and additional equipment needs like arm and shin guards for fighting practices. Find out just how long the school has been in business, how long it's been at its existing location and whether the school gives back to its neighborhood through fundraising events or group volunteer activities. These things are important indications of the commitment level that the instructors and masters have to the school.
Now that you've found a school you have to inspect the physical location itself. The physical location of the school or the equipment the school uses may not be tolerable to you once you actually see it. More than likely you are going to want to visit the school without your children, in the event that they may be anxious to begin training there and you determine that you are not comfortable with the school. A number of schools will allow you to view or even participate in a free class, to help you get a better appreciation of the teaching style and use of the facilities. Introducing your kids to the school should be done only after you are satisfied with the school, the style and the level of instruction that your kids will receive.
Other Tips:
Children can be more committed to the martial arts training if it becomes a family activity. To help your kids be more dedicated to physical activity outside of school you could consider signing yourself up for family martial arts classes.
Many schools emphasize discipline and respect for parents, instructors and elders. Practicing this respect at home may require your reinforcing its importance away from the school.
The history of the martial art and/or the club itself, the grand-master or the organizations the club is part of may be required learning at the school that your kids go to. Be sure to help your kids with some research into these aspects.
Paul Thibault is a fifth Dan Master in World Taekwondo Federation Taekwondo. Paul has been teaching Taekwondo in Calgary for many years, developing hundreds of black belts and dozens of provincial and national champions.
Studios Group Martial Arts Calgary has customized classes to teach what we feel is the best martial art for kids, to assist in growing self confidence, physical strength and conditioning. We have a particular emphasis on using martial arts and confidence to stop bullying in schools. Please visit our website or drop in to our martial arts school facility in Calgary for more information.
Copyright Studios Group Martial Arts Calgary. All rights reserved.
Permission is granted to publish this article on your site if the author's byline is included and all links are hyperlinked without alteration.
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Homeschool Curriculums - Which One Is For You?
Which homeschool curriculum is for you?
Next to the act of parenting, there is no greater privilege than to be given the opportunity to educate your child in the privacy of your own home, and the freedom to select the information you choose to teach your child. Fortunately, we live during a time when the amount of curriculum that is available at our disposal is virtually limitless. One of the biggest perks of homeschooling a child is the simple fact that no one knows your child better than you do. If your child happens to be a strong reader, then you, as their primary educator, can customize what your child will learn at home during the school year, and include lots of read-alouds, historical fiction, Christian missionary biographies, and so on. And because you know your child so well, choosing a curriculum for him or her may actually mean not following any given curriculum, but by taking bits and pieces from the many different programs available. Whether you prefer the structure of a textbook, concentrated unit studies, consumable workbook studies or interactive web-based programs, the goal of any Christian educator should be to keep God central to all that you are working on with your children.
Below are some of the various homeschool curriculums:
Monarch: Monarch is a new Christian, internet-based homeschool curriculum that is targeted for grades 3 through 12. Monarch's curriculum encompasses core subjects as Bible, history and geography, language arts, math and science. Additionally, this homeschool program offers 35 elective courses to round off your child's school day. Monarch uses interactive web-based lessons interspersed with fun graphics, engaging learning games, web-related links and much more.
LIFEPAC: This curriculum is a work text program that weaves Scripture into each core subject and elective and includes chapter lessons, activities, quizzes, tests, and fundamental truths necessary for daily Christian living.
Horizons: Horizons is a best-selling Bible-based curriculum in a consumable workbook format that is sure to engage learners of all ages. Horizon's curriculum integrates the truth of God's Word into each subject, and is an award-winning reading-based program.
Sonlight: If you have a child who loves to read and be read to, Sonlight offers a great selection of quality, age appropriate literature for your homeschooled child. Sonlight can be purchased in customizable units or in pre-made all-inclusive packages.
Switched on Schoolhouse: This multi-media based curriculum includes the core subjects and up to 35 electives. Switched on Schoolhouse can be customized to meet your student where he or she is at. This program is also geared towards grades 3 through 12. Scriptural truths coupled with Christian living applications make this curriculum a good foundation for your child.
The Weaver Collection: The Weaver Collection is a Bible-based unit study that uses God's Word as its core. This collection is ideal if you have multiple grade levels in your family because you (the teacher) can formulate each study to be simple for your younger grades or more intricate for your older children.
Choosing the correct homeschool curriculum is really done by trial and error, and what works for one child in your family may not have the same desired effect on the other children in your household. But choosing a curriculum should not stress you out; it should be lots of fun. Remember, you know your son or daughter better than anyone else in the world. Selecting a program that you know will speak to your child's heart in terms of having a strong Biblical foundation is key. So, as you are considering curriculum for your child, envision how your child would react to certain manners, methods and modalities of teaching, pray about whether a certain curriculum will build your child up and encourage him or her in his daily walk, and ask seasoned homeschool moms what curriculum worked best for their family. If you are shopping around for curriculum for an older child, include them in the selection process. Not only will you wind up with a more suitable match, but having that little say-so in choosing curriculum may prove to be very meaningful to your child.
Erin is a Christian homeschooling mom of five, who is neck deep in classical curriculum, learning disabilities, diapers, and slobbery kisses. A self-proclaimed non-fiction junkie who delights in anything on attachment parenting, learning differences, motherhood, and biblical growth. A desire to connect with other like-minded mothers stumbling through this precious privileged journey of motherhood. In what little free time is available Erin also runs her own homeschool community.
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Home School Curriculum - How to Choose the Right One
Exactly how do you go about choosing the best curriculum? There are several things you need to take into consideration while choosing the best books to teach your children at home. Let's look at these one at a time.
Is it easy for you to teach?
This question isn't meant to insult your intelligence - really - it isn't!
What I mean by "is it easy to teach" is are the instructions clear? Do they make the teacher help section easy to understand. Is it clear how to teach using their curriculum?
If you have the time and access to the curriculum, sit down and go through one lesson just like you're going to teach it. This will give you an idea about how it "flows" and if it is going to be easy to use or make you want to pull your hair out!
Does it look fun for your children?
You are homeschooling your children to give them a good education.
BUT...let's have a little fun while we're at it! When you see a curriculum that is boring...the lessons are excessively long...they contain worksheet after worksheet...this probably means that your children aren't going to like it.
While school doesn't have to be all fun - and it won't be - there's no reason to make it pure drudgery either. There are going to be many times when your children won't want to do school no matter how fun you make it and they don't always have to like it, but I highly recommend always trying to keep learning as fun and interesting as possible.
Look for curriculum that is bright - has great pictures or photography - and looks interesting while still being educational. It's out'll find it!
Does it fit the "learning style" of your child?
This is very important. One of the greatest benefits of homeschooling is that you can tailor your teaching to how your children learn.
You want to make learning as easy and as enjoyable as possible. To do this, you need to discover your child's learning style.
Does your child learn better by listening? He's probably an auditory learner.
Does your child learn better by watching? She's probably a visual learner.
Does your child learn better by doing? He's probably a kinesthetic learner.
Choose a curriculum that fits this learning style.
Do you need to teach several age groups at the same time?
If your family is like most homeschool families, you have several children. This is great and it is very possible to teach several children at one time - it just depends on the subject.
Some subjects are easier to teach to different age groups - like history or science.
Some subjects are impossible to teach to different age groups at the same time - like math or spelling.
Is it too time consuming?
A curriculum is too time consuming if you are going to have to spend an hour every night before you go to bed trying to figure out what you are supposed to teach your kids the next day.
Some homeschool programs get so complicated with their schedule and will include multiple books - teacher's book, teacher's answer book, teacher's quiz book, teacher's quiz book answers, teacher's test book, teacher's test book answers...all for one subject!
You get the picture.
I've seen this many times. For one subject, the teacher has six books - the child has one. When you are shopping for curriculum, this should send up a red flag. Teaching your children isn't that complicated. When you see homeschool curriculum that is this overloaded with books, it means they are trying to sell you as many books as possible.
Keep looking.
How much teacher preparation is involved?
This goes hand-in-hand with "Is it too time consuming?". Choose curriculum that takes minimal preparation time. Look for clear and easy teacher instructions.
There's nothing wrong, of course, if you want to spend time putting together projects for your children - like lapbooking. These can be great learning opportunities. Just make it an exception rather than the rule. In other words, it should be something you do that is "extra" - having school shouldn't depend on whether or not you spent hours putting together a lesson.
Does it fit your budget?
Because homeschool families are often one-income families, you need to decide on a budget for your homeschool - and stick to it. Buying curriculum is FUN!!!! Homeschool moms tend to love books.
Don't let this get out of hand. Remind yourself when you are tempted to overspend on "just a few more books" that you could be using that money to help with the bills, or to use in other homeschool materials, or how about a fun field trip?
Does Anyone You Know Recommend It?
One of the best ways to find good curriculum is to ask homeschool moms for help and recommendations. Ask around. See if anyone you know has used the curriculum you are considering and see what their opinion is about it.
Just remember that their teaching style is going to be different from yours and their child's learning style is going to be different from your child's. Take all of these things into consideration before you buy.
Before you Buy
When deciding on which home school curriculum to buy, remember to take each of the above factors into consideration. Check our homeschool curriculum reviews to help give you some extra tips, suggestions, and recommendations on what will be best for your family.
For honest home school curriculum reviews by a homeschool mom with 16 years of experience, visit
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What to Look For in a Homeschool Curriculum
Making the decision to homeschool a child is never an easy one for a parent to make. For some, the decision to homeschool a child is based on the fact that they were homeschooled themselves, or oftentimes the result of a negative experience or disillusionment with the local public or private school curriculum. Whatever the reason, it is imperative that parents take the time to consider the curriculum that is best for the needs of their child. In order to find the program or approach the will best serve the academic needs of their child, parents have to consider everything from the individual learning style of their child to specific topics covered as part of the curriculum,
Choosing the right homeschool curriculum doesn't require an advanced degree, but it does require careful thought and consideration. Homeschoolers should exercise patience and avoid becoming overwhelmed with the multitude of choices. Parents should consider factors such as learning and teaching styles, grade level, number of students being taught, religious affiliation, topics covered, and cost and overall value, among other things, when selecting a homeschool curriculum.
o Consider the needs of the child - It can be very difficult for parents to separate their own needs from the needs of their child. Remember to keep the child's needs first when selecting a curriculum. Understand how the child's likes, dislikes, learning style(s), cognitive levels will affect the curriculum you select.
o What teaching style do you prefer - There is room in homeschooling for the parents too. Since parents will be the one's doing the teaching and putting the curriculum into effect, it is important to consider the individual teaching style that a parent prefers. Parents should consider the amount of involvement and control that they want to have over their child's instruction. Does a parent want the program to do the teaching for them, or do they want to be able to exercise more control and have more input into the style of teaching that is used?
o What is the child's cognitive level - A child's cognitive levels should also be taken into account when selecting a homeschooling curriculum. If the program selected is too advanced or to easy, it may prove ineffective to a parent's efforts in educating their child.
o What topics should the curriculum cover - The specific approach that a curriculum program takes is also an important factor for parents to consider. What topics does the program cover and do those topics fit in with a parent's individual academic philosophy? In addition, parents should consider if a curriculum has a religious skew to it, if it is relevant to the issues of the day, and whether or not the curriculum can be used over time and with more than one student.
o Cost and value - By far the biggest consideration that parents have to make when selecting a homeschooling curriculum is the cost and value of the program. Is the program a simple guide, or is it more extensive. An extensive curriculum may require the purchase of additional materials. Does the program include consumables or can many of the items be reproduced? If the program or curriculum ends up not fitting in with the needs of a child, can it be re-sold?
o Is the curriculum aligned - Parents should take great care to determine if the curriculum they are choosing is aligned with state or government agencies and whether or not is was developed by an accredited agency. This can prove to be very beneficial when a child begins to apply for admission into colleges and universities.
One of the highest quality, accredited homeschool curriculums and offers parent support and training is Laurel Springs School. Laurel Springs School is an accredited, college prep private school offering distance learning programs and teacher services for students in grades K-12. Laurel Springs uses web-based communication tools, a standards-based curriculum, and personalized instruction to offer students the highest quality home education experience based on your child's learning style.
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Overview - Homeschooling Curriculum Options
There are probably as many different homeschooling curriculum options as there are homeschool students. Families make curriculum choices depending on their comfort level with homeschooling, and also the subject matter. Many families feel more comfortable creating curriculum for the early grades, while many feel greater ease using prepackaged curriculum for subjects they're less sure about, such as biology or geometry.
Packaged Curriculum
Homeschooling families new to homeschooling, often start off with a prepackaged curriculum. Many companies offer a prepackaged curriculum. Explore the different offerings and try to evaluate the curriculum and see how it fits your family. Do you want a religion-based curriculum? Choose one that reflects your religious values. Are you a busy parent juggling the homeschooling of two or three children? You probably want to choose a curriculum that doesn't require a lot of parent involvement and provides teachers.
Try to evaluate how your child learns. Is your child a visual learner? Is your child a kinesthetic learner? Is your child an active learner and self-motivated or does your child need more direction? Preview the curriculum activities with your child in mind. Many areas have homeschool curriculum stores where you can preview many different curriculum options. Many act as places where you can sell your used curriculum materials and buy new ones. This helps keep the cost down, but does limit your options.
Reputation and Accreditation
Parents can make curriculum choices based on the reputation of the curriculum publisher. Reading reviews from other homeschool parents helps to evaluate whether or not, the program is right for your family. Networking and talking with other homeschool families is a great way to get first hand information of what has worked for them and why.
Traditional schools are accountable through a process of accreditation. Outside agencies provide oversight and evaluation of the schools curriculum and practices. Homeschools are not required to be accredited and many homeschool parents don't want any kind of oversight on the curriculum they choose for their family. But often parents and students worry about the high school transcripts and how college admissions boards will look at them, if they don't come from an accredited school. But things have changed now, there is the option of working with an accredited distance learning school whom provides the accredited curriculum and teach support.
Distance Learning
More and more people are turning to the Internet for their homeschooling curriculum needs. Many schools are offering online classes for students at all grade levels. These distance learning schools are often a great resource for homeschool families. Students enjoy the online community aspects of taking online courses. Parents often feel secure because they have previewed the curriculum and they know their student is learning in a way they find to be beneficial while having the support of a teacher.
As students get to the high school level, distance learning becomes an indispensable tool. Students can take high-level classes, such as honors classes and online Advanced Placement courses, and receive credit from an accredited institution for them. Often, if the high school student has a strong interest or talent in a specific subject area, colleges will offer online classes to high school students for credit.
To learn more about a quality, distance learning homeschool please visit Laurel Springs School. Laurel Springs School is an accredited, college prep private school offering distance learning programs and teacher services for students in grades K-12. Laurel Springs uses web-based communication tools, a standards-based curriculum, and personalized instruction to offer students the highest quality home education experience based on your child's learning style.
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Early Childhood Curriculum
Early childhood curriculum, early reading programs, and numerous other kinds of preschool curriculums created to develop smarter babies and toddlers, flood the market today.
All in an effort to get your money...
Yes, at the end of the day, companies behind these early reading programs, infant curriculum, and various other curriculum kits, want to do two things.
Of course they want your money, and if they want to stay in business, they also want to deliver on their promise to help your baby or toddler learn to read, learn math skills, or even develop "perfect pitch" with toddler curriculum on music.
As parents of five, including our baby angel, Elisio, we have over ten years of experience finding the best toddler curriculum available.
In fact, we are still looking for fun homeschool curriculum, creative curriculum, and preschool curriculum ideas to actively engage our children and help them develop as individuals who love to learn!
As parents, I believe we all want the best for our children.
Finding the Best Toddler Curriculum
So how do we know when we have found the best early childhood curriculum?
The best curriculum makes learning fun, in the context of love and joy!
Effective preschool curriculum does not replace you as your child's teacher, it actually provides you with more bonding time between you and your baby or toddler.
Some of the best curriculum is not necessarily expensive either. In fact, some of it can be very inexpensive and sometimes even FREE.
Some examples include:
1. 5 x 8" index cards used to print "word cards" for teaching your toddler to read, as outlined in the popular book Teach Your Baby to Read by Glenn Doman. There is probably a copy of this book at your local public library for FREE!
2. FREE library books with "real world" images for expanding your child's background knowledge.
3. FREE library books that are filled with rhyming phrases, such as the popular Dr. Seuss series, for developing your toddler's phonemic awareness or simply the ability to recognize rhyming sounds and word patterns.
Why is Early Childhood Curriculum So Important?
According to the latest research on infant brain development, conducted by the Institutes for the Development of Human Potential, we know that babies and toddlers learn faster and easier the younger they are when we give them the opportunity to learn something new.
That is why, selecting the best preschool curriculum is so important early in your child's life.
When shopping for early childhood curriculum, it is so important to get your questions answered first.
Of course, as a parent, getting your questions answered by other parents is the way to go.
Infomercials, and the companies behind the best marketed preschool curriculum, will do their best to tell you what you want to hear.
Rule # 1: Always talk with a parent who has successfully used the preschool curriculum before purchasing anything...Ask them how the curriculum helped them achieve their desired results.
Toddler Reading Curriculum...that works!
More and more information on early childhood curriculum focused on "baby reading," is becoming accessible, as parents are proud to share their results on YouTube videos, blogs, and even entire websites that center around baby reading.
Parents are also happy to share preschool curriculum ideas about the various early reading programs they have used to successfully teach their babies and toddlers how to read.
Click the link above, or visit You-Tube and see what can be accomplished with your baby or toddler when using effective early reading curriculum.
More than anything else, know that if you openly express your love for your children, read and play with them daily, and discover creative curriculum and preschool curriculum ideas that increase the time you spend teaching them, your children will benefit for a lifetime!
"Spreading Literacy Worldwide"
"Believe It Baby!"
Steven Van De Walle
Download FREE Animal Coloring Pages [] and get FREE access to many more preschool curriculum ideas and activities...
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Minggu, 28 Juni 2015
Great Gifts For Kids
What things make the best gifts for kids? That, of course, depends upon the individual children. Consider a child's age, location, interests and friends before purchasing any gifts. Why consider friends? Friends have much to do with what your children will do. Don't try to buy friends for your child, but what may be popular with one child may not be popular with others. If your child's friends aren't interested in the gift you choose, it may sit idle while the children search for other things to keep themselves occupied.
Of course, children aren't always out playing with friends. When kids are at home, books are an important resource. In fact, books are some of the best gifts for kids. An educational gift is always a good choice. An early interest in reading can do much to help a child in school and to obtain a lifelong interest in learning. You don't have to concentrate only on works of nonfiction to help a child learn. Get books that interest your child-books rekindle a love of reading. If your child likes fiction, get fiction.
Children learn more than you might think even from imaginary tales. Not only does reading help them learn, but it ignites a desire to continue to peruse other works as they grow older. As you choose books, consider award-winning works. As a parent, you may still need to do a little of your own screening, but award-winning books generally are considered the best of the best.
Within reason, gifts that require interaction are better for developing the mind than those that don't. When gifts require no interaction, children tend to rely on emotional responses rather than critical thinking. When no analysis takes place, intelligence lags. Gifts that involve interaction, such as video games, are probably better for the brain than DVD movies. There are many popular video games on the market, and many are very affordable.
If you decide to purchase video games for your child, opt for those that help them learn or stay physically active. Video games that provide a steady diet of theft, killing, and other illegal or immoral acts can give your child less compunction for similar activities in the real world. If you are considering a video game for your child, check out the Wii gaming system. Some of the games available for the Wii, such as Outdoor Challenge, require running, jumping and other activities than can help keep your child in good physical condition. It is an especially great way to keep them entertained on rainy days when they can't get outside.
Anything that gets your child out of a chair and running around outdoors helps to improve physical fitness. Outdoor sporting equipment can develop both your child's mind and body. Obesity in young people is largely due to inactive lifestyles. Baseball, basketball, hockey, and other rigorous sports help develop stronger bodies, mental acuity and hand-eye coordination. Choose sports equipment that will interest your child. Not all children love baseball. Not all children love basketball. However, there is usually some sport that will interest your children enough to get them outside and running around. Even hopscotch is better than sitting in front of a television five hours a day.
You could buy land in each of the 50 states for kids too. Okay, simply one square inch in any or all of the states. They'll receive a deed to each piece of their property and be able to mount them on the wall confirming their ownership. If given with a piece of history from you, each square inch of land brings a special meaning to your child. By the way, they cannot build on their one square inch of land, and it holds zero investment potential, but they do not have to pay taxes on it, nor upkeep it either and the novelty of it all is absolutely a great gift for any child.
Some excellent sites to check out for the best gifts for kids as well as educational gifts for children include,, and
Scott Moger is an Internet entrepreneur and author who has been published internationally. His book on Internet marketing includes chapters on how to find great birthday gifts for kids as well as educational gifts for children. The book also features a novelty gift site which offers free land in the USA to all visitors. Earlier Mr. Moger held top management positions at Columbia Pictures, ABC TV, and 20th Century Fox TV and has represented Miramax Films and Warner Brothers TV.
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Finding Nemo: The History for Kids Parties
Finding Nemo was inspired by a combination of a trip to an aquarium, memories of growing up by the ocean, and the writer's own experience of parenting challenges. Finding Nemo tells the story of life in the Great Barrier Reef, and how Marlin a widowed clownfish parent sees his son (Nemo), get scooped up by a diver that requires him to go searching for him. Marlin feels he has to go after Nemo, not only because he is the only remaining child Marlin has, because Marlin is a big overbearing. Marlin realizes that Nemo has a deformity, known in the film as the Lucky fin, and that others can be mean to Nemo because of it.
Nemo, because he wants to be accepted by his schoolmates, tends to rebel against his father's wishes. It is during one of these rebellious moments that Nemo gets himself scooped up and the adventure of Finding Nemo has begun. Marlin teams up with Dory, the forgetful sidekick who helps Marlin accomplish the ultimate rescue of Nemo, but not until after both Nemo and Marlin have some pretty wild adventures. The storyline of Finding Nemo is good for children to view because it affirms the importance of listening to parents and authority figure. In addition, the studio made a concerted effort to keep the basics surrounding the ocean life and fish characteristics as close to realistic so as to make Finding Nemo a good learning experience for children to experience.
In 2003, when it was released Finding Nemo became a huge hit, grossing over three-quarters of a billion dollars. In addition, Finding Nemo won Oscars for the best animated film and had three additional Oscar nominations. The company that produced Finding Nemo, Pixar, sold the movie to Disney studios. There are many rumors that a sequel will eventually be released. Meanwhile, kids and parents today still can't get enough of the cute little clownfish, making a Finding Nemo party an excellent choice.
Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies (, using proper etiquette, and living a healthy life while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. The Party Supplies Hut has lots of party ideas with hundreds of free coloring sheets, printable games, and free birthday party activities. Over 100 adorable Party Themes ( to fit your birthday celebration, holiday event, or "just because" parties is at the Party Theme Shop. Party themes include cartoon characters, sports, movie, TV shows, luau, western, holidays, and unique crazy fun theme ideas.
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Best Way For Kids to Learn - Books Vs the Internet
I know that seems like such a loaded title as there are so many variables to take into account such as the age of the child, what they want to learn, where they want to learn and so on. But you're reading this article to get a little insight so here goes.
On the subject of age a child is never too young to learn. Research shows that infants are formidable learning machines whose brain doubles in size from birth to 5 years. They don't need books or the internet to learn, they just do it naturally. Take talking for example, they learn this effortlessly, and if exposed to many languages while small, a child can learn many with ease, all without the internet or books.
Another consideration is what you want them to learn. For example if you would like your children to learn to love nature and respect our environment you can teach them by example. If they see that you never litter, you treat animals kindly, you support wildlife programs and so forth they will follow. Conversely if you don't care about things like that, they can also learn to have an uncaring attitude all without the internet or books.
What about kids learning school subjects like Maths, English, Science or History? Which medium would be more helpful, books or the internet?
Well, both have their place.
Nowadays in many schools computers are replacing books and the keyboard is replacing handwriting. In some schools teaching handwriting is optional sometimes replaced by typing instead. This familiarity with the digital world means it would be easy for kids to learn via the internet at school or at home. On the internet you can find a multitude of programs designed to help your child be successful in most school subjects. They often include an online tutor that can give your child one on one help. Your child can submit assignments online and get valuable feedback to help them improve.
What about learning to read, which is the basis for all school subjects? I personally am a great believer in spending time reading books with small children, they can learn to read, learn about stuff they are interested in - like dinosaurs or insects- and at the same time you can strengthen your bond with them.
But let's face it just as handwriting may be soon become obsolete for our kids, ebooks are fast replacing paper books. Amazon, the largest bookseller in the world now sells more ebooks than paperbacks and hard cover combined.
So where does this leave us? With the latest ereaders of course. You can download heaps of books onto your child's ereader, and on some ereaders like the Kindle book reader you can even borrow books from your library. Your child will never run out of books to read, enjoy and learn from, or books for you to read to them.
The movement towards all things digital is obvious and unstoppable. With ereaders both books and the internet can combine to give our kids a head start in this digital world.
Visit us soon at to find out heaps more about the Kindle book reader and where to buy Kindle. While you're there check out The Greener Choice Infographic that explains why ebooks are better for the environment than paper books.
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How to Evaluate Reading Programs for Kids With Learning Disabilities
Identifying the best program for kids with learning disabilities has been one of the major challenges for parents. After all, it's the responsibility of parents to help their children face the practical challenges of life and find their own space in the society. Experts have identified and invented specific methods of teaching these kids with software tools, one-on-one reading and customized teaching programs, all of which are known to help such kids deal with their comprehension and word identification problems effectively.
Individual-Specific Reading Programs
A wide range of programs have been designed and developed to help kids who struggle with writing and reading due to dyslexia and related issues. There are different specialized programs that focus on different skills, such as reading, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, comprehension, writing and spelling. Based on your child's requirement and with professional assistance, you would be able to execute the best choice for your kid.
Development of Word Recognition Skills
Several programs of word recognition and phonics with specific instructions have been developed and integrated by experts to help kids with dyslexia and other learning disabilities. Specific focus on vocabulary, phonics and work recognition aids in building a base knowledge and activating it to comprehend contents of text while reading improves the child's fluency. Other aspects like history, math, music, science etc, which require words that are content-specific, should also be taken care of.
In order to assist you to evaluate the best reading programs and alleviate your confusion, Dr. Swanson, Ph.D. - leading psychology professor from University of California, has analyzed and identified the most effective approach to enhance the recognition skills of kids with LD, through segmentation, sequencing, and advanced organizers.
Some of the most effective technologies teachers adapt to help the kids in recognizing words include:
Word attack skills
Phonemic awareness
Evaluating the Reading Program for your Kid
With the right knowledge of the best teaching techniques, you may go through the following guidelines to evaluate the reading program of your kid:
Professional classes or institutions provide a detailed schedule and list of programs that are customized to develop the specific skills of your child. If they do not provide it, you will have to request for the same. Clarify all your doubts about every program on offer (especially the ones suitable for your kid) and ask how it would benefit your child.
Be aware of the complete instruction model and strategies that are designed for your child, as there are certain literature programs that specify the teacher's approach.
Have periodic meetings with your child's teacher to see if everything is going according to the schedule and how your child is doing or responding.
While all these are to be done with care, it is equally important for you to do your part and offer your kid complete support at home. Remember- it is the understanding and motivation that would help the child face life with confidence.
For a reliable and reputed reading program for kids with learning disabilities, you can visit
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Learn About Homeschool Curriculum Reviews
All parents want the best education for their children, perhaps none more so than homeschooling parents. With so many homeschool curriculums available on the market today, it has become necessary to find reviews that can help parents make the right decision on choosing the best curriculum. You must know where to find homeschool curriculum reviews so your child can get the best possible home education.
You can contact curriculum publishers and ask for samples of their materials. Review these samples and see if they fit your personal home schooling philosophy. Compare the samples to determine which ones are best.
It's a good idea to find out the curriculum being used by public and private schools in your area. Some of the curriculum materials may be available to homeschoolers. See how they compare with other curriculums.
Talk to other parents of homeschooled children and ask about the curriculums they are using. Find out what they like or don't like about their child's curriculum.
A reliable homeschool review is a valuable tool that can help you choose the best curriculum for your child. A number of sites provide curriculum reviews for homeschooling. Most of these sites focus on the advantages of the curriculum being reviewed and not so much on the negative side, but they are still very helpful in finding the information you want. The following homeschool curriculum review sites are suggested:
Home School Christian Reviews: This site provides home schooling product reviews, including curriculum author interviews.
Home School Reviews: This site provides reviews of specific homeschool curriculum posted by various people who have actually used the curriculums. You can expect honest feedbacks on what they like or don't like about the curriculum. However, you must remember that a curriculum someone does not like may be exactly what you are looking for.
Cathy Duffy's Home School Curriculum Reviews: You will find reviews of the major home school curriculums as well as lesser known materials. The reviews are detailed and frequently offer concrete examples from the materials. The benefits as well as actual and potential problems of the curriculums are also cited.
Living Math Reviews: Parents looking for effective math-related home school curriculums can use this site to check out the best ones available in the market today. This site gives good advice and is highly recommended.
After checking out different homeschool curriculum review sites, you should be able to make your choice more easily. Know the learning style and type of structure you want before you begin your search for a curriculum for homeschooling.
Read more about online homeschooling program [] and check out our recommended free homeschooling curriculum [] by visiting our website today!
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How to Choose the Best Home School Curriculum for your Family
One of the most frequently asked question by home schoolers is : "What home school curriculum should I buy?"
It definitely is a hard question and perhaps you are asking that question right now.
However, I will not be giving you a simple answer so that you can purchase the correct home school curriculum for your family. Instead I will give you the tools and questions you need to ask in order to make a good choice.
Firstly, to choose home school curriculum that will suit your family, you need to work out what your
goals are for your family. Goals help you to set out the plan for your family, working within your family's value system, and take into consideration your children's needs and special interests.
When you have decided where your family is headed, it will be easier to make a decision about what sort of home school curriculum you need and also what you do not need.
Here are some important things to consider when choosing curriculum:
Firstly, not every subject needs a curriculum. Often subjects can be taught simply by reading and discussing and writing. Homeschoolers can also be plagued by the idea that when it comes in a box or is created by an "educational expert", it will teach the subject better than themselves. Don't be fooled - things can be taught far simpler than what you think. We do not need to teach each subject for 12 or more years - adding snippets of learning a year at a time. Remember, we are homeschoolers and have the flexibility of our own choices - how and when we teach.
Secondly, remember the Curriculum should be there to serve us, not rule us. Make sure whatever you buy that you remember who is in control. Often curriculum is written with many learning styles and optional activities included. These do not all need to be done and home school parents need to be able to pick and choose what will suit their family and not be driven by the home school curriculum itself.
Cost is a factor which needs considering. How many children will this curriculum teach and what other alternatives are there?
Time. How teacher friendly is this curriulum? How much time will it take for you to prepare before you actually teach the material?
Independent learning. For some families, curriculum which encourages independent learning is a positive consideration so that other children can be attended to and so that the skills of independence are taught.
Is the material consumable or can it be used by a number of children? Can you make it re-useable by using plastic overlays with whiteboard markers or asking your child to work in a workbook, rather than in the book itself?
What sort of learning style does the curriculum use? Is this important to you?
As you read about different home school curriculum, it is a good idea to weigh the curriculum against others with these factors in mind. One terrific tool which would help you do this, and which I have used is called Choose It. Use this tool and in 5 easy steps you will be able to choose curriculum according to factors which you consider important.
In Step One you write the question your are answering (What history home school curriculum should I choose?)
In Step Two, you list the names of home school curriculum which you are interested in.
In Step Three, you list factors which need to be considered and how important each factor is to you.
In Step Four, you judge each curriculum according to your above factors.
In Step Five - you have your answer! The computer gives each curriculum a percentage which indicates the best choice which fits the factors you have chosen. Of course, you may not choose to go along with the decision, but this step by step decision making software helps you to work out what is really important to you. Give it a go.
Below are some factors you may wish to consider when using Choose It.
When choosing history home school curriculum - these may be some factors to consider:
Does the homeschool curriculum cover all ages?
Do I need to buy extra books? - cost factor
What perspective is it written from? (Christian/Evolutionary basis?) Does this fit with your family's values?
Is it teacher friendly?
Does it teach using different learning styles? Projects? Reading? Hands-on?
Does it use consumable workbooks?
How involved do you want to be in teaching history? Does this curriculum suit your teaching style?
Is it an integrated curriculum - covering more subjects? Is this important to you?
When choosing Math Home school curriculum - these may be some factors to consider:
Does the material span across all ages and levels? Does this matter to you?
Re-useable textbooks or consumable?
Independent learning or teacher intensive? - How much time do you have as a parent?
Does it incorporate different learning styles? Hands-on, pictorial and abstract?
Does it come with concrete materials or can you purchase them separately?
Video or on-line learning? Would this style suit your child?
Does this curriculum use enough review? or too much?
Does the expectation of time needed each day for this curriculum suit your family?
Does the curriculum have an answer key? Does it keep records or your child's progress when consdering an on-line program?
Using the Choose It! tool and factors which are important to you, you can work out which home school curriculum would be best for your family.
Use the Choose It! tool here
Or read some more guidelines for choosing home school curriculum here
Written by Marianne V from
Here you will find a Guide to help you uniquely design-your-own home school to suit your family's goals, and develop your own individual approach that reflects these goals and complements your lifestyle and needs.
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